Making a Killing in the Psychiatric Profession

In “Spiritual Economics” while discussing the “Economics of Ignorance” under the influence of tamo-guna, I presented a hyphothetical scenario in which a drug manufacturer deliberately contaminates a population with a laboratory-created virus in order to generate demand for the cure th
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The Essence of the Economic Problems

Our friends in Ireland have it all figured out and explain the essence of the economic problems and their solution in this short video. However, rather than going from the barter economy to the market economy the better way to go is to the gift economy. Check it out…   &nbs
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The Linking Process of Spiritual Economics

In our book “Spiritual Economics” we explain that all living beings are spiritual beings whose nature is fundamentally different from that of the material energy. The material energy is dead and without consciousness, whereas the spiritual energy is life and is consciousness. The natu
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The Sheeple “C’mon sheeple – rise up!” “Revolution? Don’t count on the sheeple for that – baaa!” “They’re killing you sheeple! You’re not going to say anything?!?!” These and other similar emotional exhortations are heard from the likes of Alex Jones, Charlie McGrath, and others. We f
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Spirit Souls Suffering in a Material World

Why are we, Spirit Beings, Living in a Material World? Imagine… Imagine that since we want to be happy, not just some of the time, but all of the time, there is a place where we can be happy…all of the time… Imagine that our happiness does not come from something outside of us, but th
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