Because our book on Spiritual Economics introduces a culture and concepts that are completely new to most readers of this website, and since it is very likely that the same questions and comments will arise for many readers, we thought it would be of value to include discussion forums to answer any questions that arise. We have created two forums for the two main components of the book—Spiritual Economics and the Vedic worldview—to try to make it easier for readers to find subjects of their interest. Of course since the book intermingles the two subjects rather completely there will undoubtedly be overlap. We ask that everyone do their best to choose the proper forum for their questions/comments. Please note that we are open to suggestions for improvement. If a response from me is required I will reply as soon as possible. For the time being the forum is unmoderated, and hopefully it can stay that way.
The Spiritual Economics forum is limited to questions relating to our explanation of economic practices and consequences as described in the book and on this website. The Vedic worldview forum is for questions of a more existential nature, related to sankhya philosophy, and other details about the Vedic worldview.
That said, please remember that I will answer everything from the perspective of the Vedic worldview, and not from my personal opinion. For that matter the Vedic worldview is my opinion as I am totally convinced about it as the best way to understand this world. To share that perspective with others is the reason that I wrote the book. It is my effort to help you see the value of that perspective and use it to better guide your life and in time we hope to have some influence on the world. Thanks for participating here.