Here’s a rich concept: What If We Adopted A System Where The Banks Did Not Create Our Money?
Michael Snyder writing for Alex Jones’ informs us that the IMF, of all people, have released a research paper that is making waves in economic circles all over the world. Titled “The Chicago Plan Revisited” the paper suggests that we should adopt a system in which governments, not the banks, create money.
Wow, what a great idea!
Waidaminute! Why has it taken 100 years (since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913) to realize that this is a good idea? Why is the IMF all of a sudden going to come clean about the creation of money out of nothing which is then loaned at interest to suckers around the globe? It can only mean that now that masses of people are beginning to realize the shaft they have been getting from the bankers, they know that they can no longer keep this bogus system afloat. The bankers must be getting nervous. I would if I were a banker. Perhaps that is why so many of them have resigned their positions over the past year.
And if the IMF is touting this as genius—something that ‘amateur economists’ (read: normal people) figured out decades ago, for example, Ellen Brown’s on State banks here and here, or the videos under the tab ‘Your Economic Education’—they have another deceptive plan up their sleeve.
The best money system is one in which anyone can create money. This is called ‘commodity currency,’ and uses various commodities such as measures of wheat or rice as the currency. Such commodity currencies have a universal and fixed value because everyone can use them. A loaf of bread today is worth exactly the same as a loaf of bread ten years from now, and because grains are storeable over long periods of time they are a safe way to store wealth. No inflation, no deflation. Because of the natural value and widespread production of grains commodity currencies have been in use around the world for millennia without a financial crash. The problem with the modern money system is that the privately-owned central banks have had a monopoly on the creation of money for hundreds of years, and thus have had total control over the economies of almost all nations. Moreover they have purchased the governments as their agents to legitimize the entire scam.
If I were to guess what this is all leading to it is this: Governments take over the creation of money and the story is “to keep everything under control” their new money will be digital and it will exist in your bio-chip. If you’ve read my analysis of how the 2008 crisis was deliberately created you can understand why such a radical idea is being presented by those who have been the cause of economic problems around the world.
Watch this idea and see where it goes. My bet is that it leads to a system of greater, even absolute, control. Read Professor’s Chossudovsky’s “Globalization of Poverty” or Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine” and you will understand that the people at the IMF are not our friends, but the agents of suffering and deprivation. The economic problem is not difficult to solve if that is what one wants to do. And since we have so many economic problems we can understand that that is exactly what they want. My book on Spiritual Economics explains why that is the case and what we can do to effect lasting changes.