Michel Chossudovsky on “The Globalization of Poverty”

Economics Professor Michel Chossudovsky is the author of “The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order” a must-read book if you want to understand how so-called “free trade” actually works, and how the World Bank and IMF act as agents of the wealthy to exploit the mass of people to the extreme. An emotionally easier read than Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine, but still overwhelming any decent person. The book will make you disgusted and angry at the same time. In my Spiritual Economics book I explain the spiritual basis how and why such ruthless people act to destroy this world.

In this presentation the professor connects many important dots that escape most of us, and in doing so creates a compelling picture that demonstrates how hegemony is now achieved economically instead of militarily. The Professor’s understanding of economic machinations, and the information he presents is enormously helpful to understanding the economic rape of the world prior to the turn of the century. And be sure to visit his informative website www.globalresearch.ca

I’m very unhappy to report that the video originally embedded here is no longer available on Chossudovsky’s Global Research YouTube channel, nor on their website, nor could I find any remaining copy of it anywhere on the internet! This is extremely strange as it was such a great video. He definitely hit a nerve, which is why it is no longer available. As I write this update in November 2020 we are now well aware of a great purge of information from YouTube and social media channels. It was obviously one of the forerunners of this purge.

Although the book is still available from the Global Research website, and from Amazon, the video is nowhere to be found. Nonetheless, I continue to strongly encourage everyone interested in how economic policies are used to rape the world read his book. In it the ruthless operations of the IMF and the World Bank over all of the countries of the world are exposed. After the turn of the century the same rape of third world countries was carried out on the so-called First World countries with the use of the deliberately created Global crash of ’08. The “solution” to the resulting economic crisis was the imposition of “austerity” resulting in opposition marches all over Europe with hundreds of thousands of people.

The greed of the Money Masters knows no limit – they want it ALL! In December of 2008 I researched the cause of the economic crash and found that it was an engineered crisis designed to exploit all of Europe and the United States. I’ve called it the “Economic Chernobyl”. You can read that paper here.



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