Everyone (almost) asks existential questions about life: Who am I? Where have we come from? How does the world work? Why are we here? What is my place in the world? What is the purpose of everything? Who or what is the cause of our existence?
How these questions are answered provides us with an orientation to the world which in turn determines how we view, understand, approach and solve our problems.
People that have different conceptions of life will understand their problems and their solutions differently. Needless to say some of those approaches will be more effective than others.
This is one of the main principles that we want to communicate through the teachings of Spiritual Economics—understanding man’s spiritual nature allows him to evaluate and solve the problems of life much more effectively than those in the bodily conception of life.
A person identifying himself with his body sees other bodies (people) as the source of his problems. They analyze problems and events by seeing who the actors are and identify certain persons as the culprits. Having identified these persons they think that they have found the source of the problem and by replacing them the solution is at hand.
This is what goes on in the political arena—moving people in and out, and thinking that doing so will effect meaningful change. Of course too often we see that changing politicians effects no change whatsoever. When that happens the approach is to look at who is behind the politicians—the moneyed interests, the lobbyists, the campaign contributors, and so on. And indeed, it is not untypical to find more actors there that do indeed have influence.
In an effort to sus out the final source of the many problems facing society today the hunt continues to find out persons behind those people, we go to corporations, banks and the people that run them. But the hunt goes even further and we find secretive groups such as the Masons, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, The Round Table, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, etc., finally reaching all the way to the dark and mysterious families of the Illuminati, whoever they are. These groups are then seen as the enemies of mankind, whom, if we were able to purge then everything would be just fine and everyone would be fruitful and happy. Well, almost…
Almost all of the analysis that goes on, either on the internet or the main stream media, focuses on the people behind the actions. Identifying those actors is taken for finding out the source of the problem, and supposedly then the solution is to replace those persons or remove their influence. It is true that these organizations and the people that make them up do indeed have an influence on the affairs of this world, and in many ways bear responsibility for what happens or does not. But are they the ultimate and final cause of our problems?
In analyzing problems we look for a cause, and then identify that as an effect of yet another cause; we can continue through the many levels of cause and effect—the next cause being an effect, and so on—back, back, back looking at layers of cause and effect. However, as long as we remain in the bodily conception of life we will never be able to understand the cause beyond the bodies of the many actors. They will always remain the problem.
BUT, the Vedic literature gives us a clue that there is MUCH more going on in this world than what takes place on the physical 3-D plane. It also explains how this world functions through the combination of matter and spirit. Where we begin to recognize additional layers of cause and effect. We want to know what is the ultimate cause, the original or root cause. When we come to the point of being able to identify the root cause we will finally be able to solve the problem(s). But until we do we are simply dealing with the symptoms, which is what is going on in the economic, social and political scenes in this world, which is why the problems continue—and even get worse.
This is the great advantage that the Vedic worldview offers us. It gives us a concise and logical explanation of the spiritual principles affecting mankind. That in turn provides an exceptionally unique perspective from which to understand and analyze this world and our problems. When we finally understand that spirit is the basis of our physical reality and that the actions and reactions of spirit are the ultimate causes of what take place on the physical plane of reality, we have found the very root of the problem. Dealing with the spiritual source of the problem must be done if we want to effect lasting, permanent change.
In our book “Spiritual Economics” we have applied such spiritual principles to economic behaviors, and identified the root cause of all economic problems. Understanding the spiritual cause we have also identified the solution that can solve the economic problems once and for all, and for everyone.
This same process can be applied to all fields of human endeavor with equally beneficial results.
Dear reader, I will now ask something of you. Over the next few days, while you are reading about or listening to an analysis of the news, please pay attention to what is identified as the cause of the problem and see if you can verify what I am saying in this article. Then please report your observations in the comment box.
I will continue with a series of articles on this theme to further demonstrate my point.