The Real Purpose of Our Economic System – to Steal Your Energy and Wealth!

In the last post of this blog we offer an interview of Russel Brand in which he aggressively attacks the current political-economic system as a system that fails the vast majority of the people. Indeed, it is set up to do exactly that! And if you want to know how effective it is at im
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The Essence of the Economic Problems

Our friends in Ireland have it all figured out and explain the essence of the economic problems and their solution in this short video. However, rather than going from the barter economy to the market economy the better way to go is to the gift economy. Check it out…   &nbs
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What Question is NOT Being Asked?

Getting to the Root of the Economic Problem When we have problems we naturally ask ourselves “why?”  Generally we want to understand what has caused the problem so that we can avoid repeating it in the future and avoid the undesirable consequences again. Since so many mill
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