The Crime of Alleviating Poverty

Here is a repost from Ellen Brown’s Web of Debt blog: where the full story can be read. This is a story of central bank’s taking exception to anyone else using any other form of money other than the one they create. In this story Ellen cites several
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New Examples of The Economics of Ignorance

A great deal has happened in the world, especially the financial world, since my mother’s demise and my ensuing absence as a result. There are several stories that I will re-post with comments from the philosophy of Spiritual Economics. The first is an article by Ellen Brown reg
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Help Put An End to the National Debt

Great news! The Obama administration has created a website “We the People” to allow people to petition the government for anything they might want. So one clever and thoughtful person has crafted a petition to: Direct the United States Mint to make a single platinum trillion dollar co
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