Your Economic Education

Economics is a necessary function of this world. How we get what we need defines economics, and there are many ways in which this can be done. To fully understand the reasons for the variations it is necessary to have an understanding of the basic truths of our spiritual existence, as explained in the Sankhya philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita. This subject matter is covered in the first chapter of Spiritual Economics, v. 1. It is essential reading in order to understand this world in general, and economic activity in particular. If you haven’t read the book, please start there before reading here. It will place all of this material in the proper perspective. For those already well-versed in the realities of economics in this world, the book will help them to understand the even bigger picture of this world.

In the first volume of “Spiritual Economics” I explain that our choice of economic methods depend on our consciousness. Further, I explain how consciousness is affected by the things we do, associate with, hear, eat, drink, listen to, etc. in this world. All of these are in turn influenced by what are called the modes of material nature, or gunas. The gunas are of three types: goodness, passion and ignorance.

In economics influenced by goodness we find egalitarianism, gifting, care and concern for the welfare of others, absence of greed, activity proportionate to need, and so on.

Economics influenced by passion brings competition, rivalry, increasing desire for more, dissatisfaction with what one has, envy of others’ fortune, and so on.

And economics influenced by ignorance brings exploitation, slavery, conquest, lack of concern for the welfare of others, animals, or the earth, self-centeredness, narcissism, selfishness, and so on.

I have detailed the history of progression from the economics of goodness followed almost everywhere around the world in earlier ages, to the present economics of ignorance, in volume 1 of “Spiritual Economics — Understanding and Solving the Economic Problem.”

As time has progressed over the course of the last several millennia the influence of goodness has waned and the influence of ignorance has increased. Especially in the past 50 years the influence of ignorance has overwhelmed the other influences and has brought us vulture capitalism, casino capitalism, predatory capitalism, etc.

Moreover, if we look into the history of modern economics we find that it is established on falsity, cheating, deception, etc. with a motive of covert control, manipulation and exploitation by some not-so-very-nice people. Indeed, the money powers now completely rule the world. Hardly a person in a thousand knows how this is done, but the videos below will give you a pretty good idea of this dark side of economics.

It is important to understand the actual history and the machinations of money, at least to some degree, in order to understand what is going on in the world today. This information is important for us individually since we all have a part in making this world what it is. When we understand more completely exactly how this world is controlled and the forces behind it, and their goals, it increases our motivation for doing our part to bring about the solution.

Many people find it threatening and even overwhelming to consider these possibilities; the consequences are too frightening to contemplate. Acknowledging the truths of this world destroys their blissful ignorance and can destroy their sense of security. Where then do they go for shelter? What is the alternative? The alternative is found in the Bhagavad-gita and living according to the spiritual reality of existence. The alternative is Spiritual Economics.

That said I do not wish to draw unnecessary attention to the dark side of economic, preferring to focus instead on the positive alternative of Spiritual Economics and the gift economy. Learn this and understand it, but do not dwell on it. We cannot run away from anything; we can only move toward that which we want; let’s go toward the light, toward the positive practice of Spiritual Economics.

For those new to this material I have presented the videos below in a particular order that will build from one to the next. We begin with a foundational understanding of the history of money and the money masters, by viewing the videos of the same title: “The Money Masters”, by Bill Still. This is an in-depth history of the machinations of the power elite who control the world to this day. It is a no-brainer to understand that those who control the money control the world, as money buys influence. Indeed, money can buy just about anything or anyone, and if not, can cause them to be eliminated, as Mr. Still so adequately demonstrates.

It’s a long study, one that used to take decades to get up to speed with. The good news is that today there are many resources for the serious student. The internet brings us book, information and videos, and consequently the learning curve is considerably shortened. What has not changed is the psychological adjustment that must take place as one begins to realize the truth of all this. It’s a one-way trip. Once going down this rabbit hole there is no coming back. We cannot unlearn. And this is a learning of consequence. It is also helpful as an encouraging factor for more quickly adapting to the idea of Spiritual Economics and the gift economy.

The videos here present the main ideas. You will have to explore the details yourself however, which is not difficult–simply search key words, and you will get more than you can likely handle. Let me say that this list is not exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination, but only a decent introduction to the subject.

In addition to the work of these other researchers, I have my own conclusions and prognostications which can be found throughout this website, and which I will update from time to time in articles and blog posts. You may wish to subscribe to receive the new posts effortlessly.

We will begin with two short videos that give a brief explanation. The following videos are longer and go into much more detail about how money works, works against us, and has historically controlled the world and most of its wars. Despite the detail these videos are easy to understand. Watch them all, especially the last few of Naomi Klein and John Perkins to see where this money system has taken us. The last video titled “The Money Fix” demonstrates that it is not at all impossible to solve the money problem. If we know and understand that the money system can be fixed if we want to, then we know that there is something mysterious, and perhaps sinister going on when we are told that the system is broken, or that we need to give the banks trillions of dollars to save the system. That understanding provides the impetous for us to pursue the concepts of spiritual economics. I hope that you will find this journey edifying.

One point to remember: it is not this way everywhere. Please do not miss the Gift Economy. What we see there is that there are people who are waking up to the need to live lives of love and are doing it successfully. If this section is the stick, that section is the carrot. We want you to see that other ways of living are possible—it’s simply a matter of consciousness, and Spiritual Economics explains how we can raise our consciousness and make the gift economy a living reality.


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